Dish: Stuffed Meat Loaf
Book: Taste of Home Ground Beef
Pajamas:cutoff shorts and a love nature shirt (Trevor told me that grownup don't wear PJs all day)
Meal: Dinner
Eaters: Trevor and me
This week I have cooked new recipes every night! I forgot about the blog!! Today I ran out of planned recipes so I pulled out a new book that Mam gave me not too long ago. I LOVE the book. Every single recipe uses ground beef- my favorite meat to cook! I looked through it and decided to do a meat loaf. I have to say that I am a meat loaf expert. I have perfected the art of loafing! Wait... I have perfected the art of gently forming meat into perfect loaves. (A little better) My original recipe knocks everyone's socks off. When I have created such a masterpiece, it is hard to try an inferior recipe! One loaf caught my eye though! I wipped up some cheesy scalloped potatoes as my side dish as I begun the loaf adventure. I made some stuffing using water, butter and barbecue sauce. I then made the loaf using meat, milk, soy sauce, and grill mates. I then made four thin loaf patties. I formed the stuffing mixture into perfect spherical balls. I placed the balls of the loaf patties. Next the third and fourth loaf patties went on top. I then sealed the seems and squeezed them into perfect loaf balls. They popped in the oven and cooked for about 20 minutes. When they came out of the oven, Trevor said, " Why are our loaves shaped like boobs?" I about died! Anyway, we dug in and they were delicious! The stuffing was a pleasant surprise. I do have to say that my original loaf is still untouchable. (hahah) This one is really good too.
Trev-o-meter: "I give it a nine, wait- no, an eight. (burp sound) (ugly face)" Me: "Did you just throw up in your mouth?" Trevor: "Yes, you made me eat too much!"
Loaf count: 13 (for your reading pleasure)