
Saturday, August 25, 2012


Introducing my new baby! She is 6 months old. She's an English Cocker Spaniel. She's perfect!

I found her on Craigslist! So far, she is perfectly house trained. She is so sweet, super playful, and she just loves Stanley. 

My Classroom Garden 2012-2013

This is my door. My classroom theme is a garden. 
Right outside my door is my "all about me" bulletin board. I have pictures that I hope help students and parents know me a little bit better. 

This is my class bulletin board. During the year, it will be absolutely packed with my kids' work. I have clothes pins attached to the fabric so that I can easily change out their work. 

Under the window, I have 2 bookshelves. This is the fiction section of the room. Next to the window is my math wall. The only thing on the wall at this point is the hundreds chart. Later in the year, it will be the place for math vocabulary, anchor charts, and student work. 
This is 1/2 of my front white board. You can see my behavior chart. The kid's will move their clip throughout the day depending on their behavior. They start on green and can move up for good behavior or down for bad choices. My Noise-o-meter is also on the board. It lets the kids know the appropriate noise level for the room at any given time. Under the white board is my Daily 3 board. It has the 3 daily reading station choices, reading groups and important reading info. I use brownie points for compliments and a scoreboard for my Whole Brain Teaching rules. 

Here are my 2 non fiction book shelves. I also have my Calendar time area. We start each day with songs, chants, dances, and group activities. Our day always starts on a positive and happy note. 
This is where I sit for all of my mini lessons. The cage is for our class tortoise, Louis. The black frames are for my daily classroom objectives. The wood book shelf is my leveled book area. I use these books with my reading groups. The black book shelf, facing the chair, is for math tubs and word work tubs. The bulletin board behind the rocking chair is for Ron Clark Rules. We use them to make sure that we are always polite and kind. To the left of the chair, is my student computer and document camera. Behind them, is my Cafe board. We keep all of our reading strategies there. 
This is a view of my classroom from the door. I have all different seating options for my kids. They can choose whichever suites their needs the best. Some sit on the floor, some on high stools, others on balance disks and a few in normal seats. All of my chairs have felt legs so that there is less noise and the floors stay nice and shiny. 
Here are the kids' backpack cubbies. The small bulletin board is for the class jobs. The small rolling shelf holds our daily 5 math games. The large bulletin board is for writing and Whole Brain Teaching techniques and cues. Steve, the class gorilla, is an awesome reading buddy. Above him are my name helpers. They are magnets of all of my students' names. 
This is my teacher computer. I have all of my copies filed for the week. I have all of my past class pictures to remind me of my "old" babies. My favorite teacher saying is "Pardon our mess, we are making memories." 
This is our class puppet theater. We mainly use it as a reading nook. My shared bathroom is to the right. Our class community supplies and water fountain are to the left. 
These are the work cubbies. We keep our books, folders, and spirals here. The wall to the right is for science and social studies anchor charts.
This is my floor table. The kids would do anything to sit here. 
This is my tall stool table. It is raised to the highest level. This is new to my room this year. I'm guessing it will be a favorite. 
This is the back corner of my classroom. My word wall is on the back cabinet. The black bookshelf is for chapter books, writing stations, and fun and games. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Millini 1999-2012

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. 

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. 
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. 
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. 

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. 
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. 

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. 

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. 

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Early 90's, about 10 years ago!

The rise of cell phones
crimped hair
Ace of Base
Flat tops
Home Improvement
Oregon Trail 
Step by Step
Trapper Keeper
Skip it
Family Matters
Bushy Eyebrows
Fresh Prince of Bel Aire

You know.... about 10 years ago!

Trevor and I have a long standing battle over when the 90's were. I always say, "about 10 years ago" and he has to remind me that the early 90's actually happened 20 years ago. UGH

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Anna Karenina

Trevor and I went to see a movie on our anniversary. I always love the previews as much as the movie itself. There was a beautiful preview for Anna Karenina! I was so excited throughout the real movie that I kept day dreaming about Anna Karenina! I only know a little about the book. I remember a few years back when Oprah's Book Club took on the novel. I remember them LOVING the story and HATING the length. At the time, I was in college or maybe even high school and didn't read very many books for myself. I decided that now would be the perfect time! I told Trevor that I was going to read it and he laughed... Then he said that he would bet me $175 that I couldn't finish it. I am not allowed to stop and read any other books until I am finished.  Well, little does he know that the little wager is going to be that extra little push that I need to actually get through this amazing book that I have wanted to read for so long. One week in, I have read 20% and I am absolutely in love with the book!! I'll check back in often :)

My Millini

My sweet Millini is almost 13! She is an amazing dog. I got Millini after my sister went to college. She has been by my side (or in my lap) every day since December 23, 1999. The only days that we have spent apart are the few vacation days I take each year. She has been through so much. She has had numerous surgeries and many days and nights at the doggie emergency care. She pulls through every health issue and is the happiest little dog. Last week, I woke up and she had bled everywhere. I was ready for THAT really hard day. Amazingly, she pulled through again and is as healthy as ever. I am so thankful for Millini and she will never know how much I love and need her!

Two Years

I know that this post is a few weeks late... I am so lucky to be married to Trevor. We celebrated our 2 year anniversary on July 17th. Although it wasn't the anniversary that we expected, it was amazing. We are stronger and closer than ever and we know that we can truly get through anything together. I love you Trevor.