Dish: Chicken Pot Pie
Book: Taste of Home
Pajamas: Light blue and purple striped, very soft
Meal: Dinner
Eaters: Trevor and me
Let me begin this post by explaining that this recipe spans two days. Wednesday: I get to Trevor's house to cook and I have most of the ingredients. I still needed chicken bouillon granules and flour. I forge the great storm to the grocery store, pick up the supplies and get home by 7 to begin the intense chicken pot pie recipe. I put the chicken in the pot to boil. I open the flour to make the filling and I notice something not quite right. The flour is not white. It has more of a peppered look. Wait, the pepper is quivering!! I look in horror and teeny black bugs are meandering through the flour. I screamed and immediately confiscated the infested bag. I then changed my plan to good old spaghetti, red sauce, and ranch dressing.
Friday: I brought flour from my house and the cooking began. As the chicken boiled, I made the gravy. It was very straight forward. Again, I chopped the chicken too quickly after it came out of the pot. I got a nice steam facial and my fingers are still a bit sore. I put all of the "insides" to the side and started on the dough. It consists of flour, celery seed, butter and cream cheese. I began mixing it to no avail. I then decided to use my hands. I mixed and mixed and as I finished I realized we have no rolling pin... I made the bottom part by hand. I pieced the dough together in the dish and kneaded it to the correct thickness. I then filled it. Now the top really needed a rolling pin. I used my genius problem solving skills and buttered the pam bottle. I rolled out a perfect dough lid! I'll never waist money on a fancy smancy rolling pin!! I put the pie in the oven and waited 30 minutes. When it came out, we sat down to eat. I cut it and a cloud of steam filled the air; so we waited, and waited and waited. Finally it was cool enough to try. It was very good! It tasted a lot like the Marie Calender's pot pies! Trevor said he felt like a shepherd. I think that was a compliment!
Trev-o-meter: "I give it a solid 8."
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