Dish: hamburger
Book: we made it up and used tips from the Weber grill manual
Pajamas: had to wear cut offs and a tshirt (the grill is outside :) )
Meal: Dinner
Eaters: Trevor and me
I have been cooking on and off throughout the summer. I have to say that our wedding took priority over the blog though. I hope to start blogging at least once a week now that there are no more wedding details to spend every night on.
Trevor and I registered for a grill and grill stand. We got the grill stand from Trevor's aunt. The problem was that we never got an actual grill. It's kind of hard to grill on a plastic stand. I decided to spend some of our wedding cash on the grill. I went to Target and the grill was discontinued. I found it at Home Depot. I was at Home Depot, feeling kind of out of place. I looked around for help and I couldn't believe it, but there were no guys there ready to wait on me. I think it must be the curse of the wedding ring. I used to walk in Home Depot and it was like a zombie movie- orange aprons gathering around me and chasing me down the aisles. Anyway, a GIRL walked up to help. I thought "oh god, I have questions about a grill. I need a guy!" Sure enough, she had no idea. I grabbed a grill and headed toward the propane. Once at the propane, I grabbed a few tanks after talking to an old guy. I checked out and was on my way. Note to Home Depot: please don't hire girls and what happened to all of the fit young men ready and willing to help?
I got home and Trevor and I started putting the grill and stand together. That part went well. Trevor worked on the gas next- he was really good at that :) I went in to make the burgers. I kind of winged it. I used 1 pound of meat and crushed up about 8 butter crackers in it. I then put some garlic salt, grill mate, and season salt in it. I mixed and mixed it. As I was working on that Trevor came in and started reading the grilling tips to me from the manual. It said that the most common mistake is flipping, poking, smashing, etc too much. We decided we would follow these rules. I brushed both sides with Olive oil and headed out to the grill. This was both of our first times grilling!! We put the gas on medium and slapped the burgers on. We waited 4 minutes and flipped them. When I did, I got really worried because there were dark lines on the patties. Trevor laughed and said that was what grilled hamburgers were supposed to look like. We closed the lid and waited 3 minutes. I then took the patties off the grill. That was it! We made delicious burgers with Havarti cheese, cream cheese, jalapenos, and sweet barbecue sauce. We baked some tater tots also. The burger was the most juicy and scrumptious burger either of us had eaten. We LOVE grilling and it is a cooking style that we can do together. I can't wait to fire up the Weber again this week.
Trev-o-meter: 9.5
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