
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Shrimp Skewers

Dish: Shrimp Skewers and rice
Book: My brain
Pajamas: pink polka dot flannels (yes it was 104 degrees outside)
Meal: Dinner

Eaters: Trevor and me

I went to HEB Plus to buy shrimp. I went to the frozen seafood section first and got a bag of shrimp. Then I pulled my cart up to the raw seafood window. My heart started pounding at the sight of all the scales laying on ice. If you don't know me well, I have a severe phobia of all things fish and sea. When you read the title of this post "Shrimp Skewers," you should have fallen over because this is a HUGE step for me. Anyway, I'm standing between the lobster tank(poor babies) and the humongous fully intact fish. My heart was pounding, my palms were sweating, and my mind was telling me to RUN! The fish man came over (how does he sleep at night) and I squeaked, "shrimp please, enough for 2." He looked at me with a really strange eyebrow raised look and started digging around behind the glass. I couldn't look. He started to hand me the taped paper. I grabbed it. All of the sudden I had the biggest fear that I got the wrong package so I ran to the veggies and double bagged it so that it wouldn't get scales or fins on the rest of my groceries. Somehow I ended up with 2 types of shrimp. I think the stress was overwhelming and I just bought both. After making sure the bagger bagged the ocean creatures separately, I drove home praying I wouldn't have a wreck and get all mixed up with the seafood bag.
Once I got home, It was time to face my fears. Shrimp aren't like fish- I thought, this will be no problem at all. So I decided on the frozen shrimp because I still had some flashes that inside that taped paper was a whole fish. I rinsed the shrimp (I thought that would be a good idea, I do it to fruits and veggies.) I then pulled out my new shiny skewers. I picked up the first shrimp and pushed the skewer through its little body. "This isn't too bad," I thought. I got to the third one and the little tail flipped off and landed on my foot. I jumped and danced and squirmed and gagged for about 3 minutes. Then I rescued Millini from eating it. I had to go into the living room to take a break. I finally built some courage and started again. This time I lost a few tails and had some short flashes of shrimp swimming around me but I did it. I conquered the skewering part. I then poured some sesame sauce, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and olive oil on the little fellas. Throughout all of my ocean creature drama, I cooked some incredible Thai seasoned rice. I put the skewers on the grill. Have I told you how much I love my grill? Trevor is getting a little jealous of the grill and my relationship. The little guys got about 2 minutes of cooking on each side. I'm not quite sure what to flip skewers with. I tried the tong chopstick thingies. That didn't work. I tried the metal spatula, that didn't work. I ended up just forking them. (Oh my, that sounds worse than it should haha) I placed the skewers on a large plateful of the Thai rice. I have to say that despite the bad dreams that came later, dinner was incredible. Trevor LOVED the shrimp and said that we should have it once a week. I may have to get an anxiety med for those days, but I'll try.
Trev-o-meter: 10 !!!!! :)

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