Yes, you read right. SCALLOPS. A more intense sea creature than the previous post.
Dish: Cajun scallops, conchigliette, and buttery corn sauce
Book: Bowl Food
Pajamas: My homeless stretchy PJ shirt (that's what Trevor calls it) and boxers
Meal: Dinner
Eaters: Trevor and me
I ventured into the fresh seafood section again. This time, there were no scaly fish and a few with heads. I took a deep breath and told the same fish guy that I needed some scallops. He told me to come and look at them. I said, "no I trust you" and gave him a big smile. I then gagged. By the way, if you haven't read my previous post "shrimp" you must stop now and read it first to fully understand what is going on. Back to scallops. He handed my the taped white paper package. I threw it in the cart and headed for the produce bags for the double sacking process. I finished my shopping with one eye on the scallops and went home to start the big adventure. I patted them dry, dipped them in Cajun spices and poured some olive oil on top. I skewered them and started on the pasta. The only bad and/scary part of scallops is the smell. I never touched them, so that could have been bad. I put the scallops on my Mr. Weber, my hot lover (the grill-haha). The scallops only cook about 4 minutes total. I still don't know how to flip animals of the ocean. I spooned these little guys, they are much more delicate than shrimp- no forking, only spooning. The book said they shouldn't be translucent. That word gives me the willies and I don't even know what it means so I just took them off the grill. The pasta was turning out incredible. It was cooked corn, butter, Cajun seasoning, garlic, key lime juice, chives, and mini shell noodles. I put the pasta on the plate, then sprinkled some cheese and then placed the scallops on top. The plate looked beautiful. Trevor sat down to eat and was so excited. He loved it! The scallops were a bit too spicy but that is fixable. I'm so proud of myself! Let's get honest though, this will be the farthest I go with seafood. Don't be expecting any fish dishes at all!! Trev-o-meter: 8.9 with a little less cayenne
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