
Friday, September 7, 2012

Cobbler in a Jar

Dish: Cobbler in a jar
Recipe: Pinterest (blueberry oatmeal cobbler)
Pajamas: turquoise, very soft nighty :)
Eaters: Me, Trevor, Mom

I spend so much time on Pinterest and it seems that the huge fad right now is the use of Mason Jars. I have seen cupcakes, cookies, casseroles, candles, soap, soup, bath salts (the bath kind!), modge podge, etc etc etc in a jar. I wanted to do something in a jar, but I didn't know what. I decided to make one of my favorite desserts in a jar so that I could eat the single servings each night when I de-stressed from the first week back at school. I chose an oatmeal crumb recipe so that when I froze the jars, it wouldn't get soggy. The recipe was super easy! I ended up using half frozen and half fresh fruit because that is what was in the fridge and it tasted great. In the picture, you can see that I left plenty of room at the top for ice cream. Each night I took one jar out, heated it and covered it with fat free/sugar free ice cream and wahlah! Dessert! I really liked the fact that it kept me from dishing out huge helpings, it's a healthy version of cobbler and I get a fruit serving in at the end of the day :)

Trev-o-meter: "I don't like cobbler."
Mom-o-meter: "Oh I love it, it's so cute, what a neat idea! Let's tell Mam :)"

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