Dish: Honey Dijon Chicken
Book: Taste of Home
Pajamas: brown SOFT top and plaid pj bottoms
Meal: Dinner
Eaters: Trevor and me
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I got to Trevy's house ready to cook. I had been looking forward to this recipe since I found it yesterday. I got 4 cloves of garlic ready by smashing them and chopping them. I put them in a pan with oil and thyme. I put the chicken breasts in and waited... and waited... and waited. How long do chicken breasts need to cook for cryin'out loud. I ended up chopping them up into tiny pieces to make sure that they cooked. In the meantime, I started mixing the glaze- dun dun dun dun...dun! I put cornstarch and pineapple juice in, so far so good. Next came the 1/2 a cup of Dijon mustard (that is the yellow kind right?). At this point it's looking pretty gross. Next in plops the 1/3 c honey. I almost puked just stirring (note: I clean up snot rockets and pukey peepee kids all day and they don't phase me). I go over and poor the glaze over the chicken. huh(gag noise). I stir and stir waiting for a miracle to happen, it doesn't. I think, "maybe it'll taste good at least." I go to the microwave to heat up the instant 90 second bag of rice. In the back of my head I'm thinking, "this will be the only thing we can eat." I put some slimy chicken and "safe" rice on each plate and called in Trevor. I started eating and didn't say a word. I wanted to hear Trevor's opinion. I gagged down each bite. Even the rice was revolting. I watched Trevor as he cut and smelled. He took one bite and it was all over. In my opinion it tasted like the nastiest tv dinner ever made. It was a complete failure.
Trev-o-meter: A 2 at most. (He said this as he poured the entire pot and his plate down the sink after only taking one bite).
Hey! Don't feel bad! My first attempt at making gravy turned into a pancake!
ReplyDeleteMy first attempt at making gravy it turned into a large dough ball. I beat it with a spoon while my friend added water. It eventually turned to some kind of gravy liquid but tasted horrible!